Zonta Club is thrilled to offer a wide range of scholarships that aim to support and uplift women in their pursuit of education and personal growth.
Amelia Earhart Fellowship Program
In honor of Amelia Earhart, a Zonta member, the Fellowships provide financial assistance to women pursuing graduate degrees in aerospace-related sciences and engineering. Since 1938, ZI has awarded Fellowships to women who have gone on to be astronauts, astronomers and Secretary of the US Air Force.
Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship Program
From the classroom to the boardroom, Zonta helps women pursuing undergraduate and Master’s degrees in business management overcome gender barriers.
Young Women in Public Affairs Award Program
Zonta recognizes young women, ages 16-19, for their demonstrated leadership skills and commitment to public service and civic causes and encourages them to continue their participation in public and political life.
Broward College Endowment Program for Non-Traditional Students
In 2015, Zonta of Greater Deerfield Beach established an endowment program to help those students who need a “leg up” to start, continue, or finish their college education but who are financially strapped to do so. Zonta provides the funds and Broward College chooses the students. For more information, contact the financial aid office at Broward College.